How do you get rid of foot corns?

Corns on the foot result from an excessive amount of pressure on that place where the corn is. To get rid of corns, all you need to do is remove that pressure that caused the corn. Its that simple. A corn or a callus is part of a process that your skin goes through to protect itself. When there’s an excessive amount of pressure on an area of skin, the skin thickens up to guard itself. However, in the event that pressure remains over a longer period of time, then the skin will become so thick that it can be painful. If that pressure is over a bigger area of skin, then that is called a callus. If that pressure is over a lesser much more focal location, then that may be a corn. The causes of that increased pressure could be a number of things such as a hammer toe, hallux valgus or a dropped metatarsal. An appropriate evaluation is often necessary to determine just exactly what it is that is bringing about that increased pressure and how easy it will be to eliminate that increased pressure.

To eliminate corns permanently, you have to eliminate the cause. A skilled podiatrist can certainly remove a callus and corn by diligently debriding it with a scalpel. However, that corn will return when the cause is just not eliminated. They just do not keep coming back because the podiatrist didn’t take it off properly or because the corn has roots (they don’t). They keep coming back for the reason that the pressure that caused them remains. That must be removed if the corns is to be stopped from returning. The way that this pressure is taken off is based on what is causing the greater pressure. It could be as simple as getting a better fitting pair of footwear or it might be as complex as requiring some surgery to fix the toe deformity that would be creating the pressure causing the corn.

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