International Schools in Amsterdam

Keep in mind that most international schools in Amsterdam have long waiting lists, especially for primary classes. The thought of disrupting the education of your child, especially during the crucial years of examination, can be a real stumbling block for parents planning a new life abroad.

Fortunately, the number of international schools offering high-quality education here in Amsterdam which means that this is not necessarily a problem, especially if you want your child to receive a British education. You can locate an ideal school for your child in Amsterdam by exploring online sites like

The small campus and class compact dimensions along with a multicultural environment usually mean that most children grow,  language skills develop more quickly and effectively and get the attention of teachers who know the name of every student in school, never mind the class!

The main difference between international schools on the island is the language of instruction. Although most schools teach here in English and follow the British curriculum, there is also a French school and a joint German and Scandinavian college.

If you choose your child to be educated in a second language, then obviously he/she needs to either start very young or already have a good knowledge of the language.

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